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"ONN" - School FOR CP children  

The "Onn" School in Tel Aviv is a rehabilitative social educational framework for students with cerebral palsy (CP) and complex disabilities from all over the country.

The school has about 150 students  Students coming from 60  Cities around the country.

   Definition of cerebral palsy
The term cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of persistent medical conditions that interfere with the development of movement and posture, which cause limitation in activity, and are attributed to non-progressive damage to the developing brain of the fetus or newborn.

Motor difficulties in cerebral palsy are often accompanied by impairments in sensation, perception, cognition and communication as well as behavioral problems, epilepsy and secondary skeletal and muscular disabilities (Rosenbaum and Rosenblum, 2013).


The accepted definition today is Bax's definition (Bax, 2005) that "cerebral palsy is a group of movement and posture developmental disorders attributed to a non-progressive disorder that occurs in the developing brain of the fetus and infant and causes limitations in activity.

Motor defects in cerebral palsy are usually accompanied by sensory, cognitive, communication, perceptual and / or behavioral disorders and / or epileptic disorders. " ).

The school works with all types of disabilities,

Those with high prevalence : learning disabilities (reading, writing, math), language delay, developmental mental disabilities (from mild to severe retardation), behavioral and emotional disorders (difficulty obeying the rules, unacceptable behavior, aggression, low frustration threshold, impulsivity, anxiety, Low concentration ability In this group were also found children with ADHD with or without hyperactivity).

And low-frequency disabilities: hearing impairment (from minimal to deep imitation (deafness), visual impairment, physical impairment (characterized by mobility

















difficulty affecting mobility including children with CP), autism spectrum (abnormal or impaired development in the communicative, social and behavioral realm), Mental disorders (a behavioral pattern that is different from the norm and causes distress or significant impairment of function), developmental delay in one or more of the areas:  Cognitive, emotional, social, motor.

Multimedia program School of Special Education in Tel Aviv.

The multimedia program, which operates in a special education school  In the last 15 years, it has gained recognition from establishment and academia. I will detail here somewhat about the characteristics of the program because the research questions are based on the assumption that the model implementation program in the school is first of its kind.

​​The activities in the school's multimedia room are designed to give students tools for development in the areas of sound and visuals.

​​They acquire tools and skill in operating sound software, art, graphics and music.

Students of all ages from junior high to high school study in the room.

Students are accepted from diverse classes in abilities and classes are held there, ranging from social skills to professional lessons.

The number of students in a class ranges from six to ten students who come to the room regularly on a weekly systemic basis.

Individual meetings are also held in the room.

Along with a strong emphasis on strengthening creativity and individual expression,

The multimedia program is based on personal responsibility and the students choose which areas they will specialize in from the worlds of audio-visual.

A multimedia room is a communication room where a disassembly and reconstruction procedure takes place. Text to symbol, or sound.

Playing and listening, engaging in color and lighting, allow the student to acquire a language, in all its shades and forms, according to the degree of personal ability.

For language is an important component in the development of both cognitive, emotional and social.

With the help of language the child creates meaningful connections with his environment. Language is the tool with which cognitive ability is built and it also allows children to acquire the characteristics of the culture in which they grow up as well as the determining values in their environment (Vygotsky  In Eilam and Kazolin, 2003).


From a study I conducted on the field of multimedia at Tel Aviv University, which was accompanied by Dr. Yaffa Ben Ami and Mrs. Neta Sagi Tamari. In the study I interviewed principals from the field of special education whose names are shown here in acronyms in order to maintain their anonymity. This is in order to shed light on the field of multimedia in special education.

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